Wrought-iron bed that three people can fit in,
Sketches of horses where artist has written…
Since I left off talking about the artisanal table I’d bought in Guardiagrele, I thought I’d plug some other favorite made-in-Italy items I’ve got in the Abruzzo house.

This “Ginepro’ iron bed frame came from Caporali in Tuscany (caporali.it). Loving a platform bed! So streamlined and comfortable, to boot.

These sketches were a gift from Roberto DiJullo, a painter with ateliers in Rome and Pescocostanzo (Abruzzo) who specializes in wild horses and equestrian scenes. I hope to feature him sometime soon. His is an interesting story. (dijullo.com)

This peculiar horse painting from Maisonuances in Pescara struck me as somehow reminiscent of the Roman army. Looks like the guest room is getting a theme. (www.maisonuances.it)

This antique easel carved from walnut I found at an antique store just diagonally across the street from me. I put it in the guest room because I thought it would be amusing to post the day’s menu/activities on a blackboard there.
Three items from La Murrina: two mirrors and a light fixture.
I still want their “Medusa” chandelier (below). (lamurrina.com)

Glass wall sconces from Venice. I broke one and am not having luck replacing it. If anyone knows anyone, I’d welcome the recommendation.

A Venetian chandelier in the master bedroom does give it a bordello atmosphere, but how often do you get a domed ceiling in your bedroom that can accommodate one?

A burnt-orange “hurricane” candle lamp from Toti Taormina in Erice, Sicily (totitaormina.it). I love the way the shadows dance on the wall.
In the background is a Maiolica piece from Castelli, the seat of Maiolica in Italy.